h o w   d o e s   i t   W O R K ?

Time Slots: 
Friday After School (You can choose the time :  4-5:30 or 4:30-6 or 5-6:30) 
Saturday --->    10:30-12   -   1:00-2:30   -   3:30-5:00 
Sunday   --->     10:30-12   -   1:00-2:30   -   3:30-5:00

Pricing: $450 For 10 Children (this includes the birthday kiddo) & $25 For Each Additional (20 MAX) Please Ask About Additional kiddos :) There is a $200 deposit at the time of booking. 

What's Included: Everything for the art project + we’ll have all the tablecloths, plates, napkins, silverware, candles, a lighter, a knife to cut the cake, balloons, streamers, silver ‘happy birthday’ balloons, music, and light-up marquee sign! 

Book It: Click on the THEMES! buttons to learn about all of our themes & send an inquiry or EMAIL : 'Kristen' at splatterboxart@gmail.com with any question. We will reach out VIA phone once the party process has begun :)

Dance Party: Every party includes a Glow In The Dark freeze dance party in our Glow Room! Have a special song? Let us know and we can play it during the dancing fun!  

Arrival On Your Party Day: You may arrive 10 - 15 minutes before your scheduled party time to set up and may stay 10 - 15 minutes after your party to pack up. The best part is : you can leave the clean up to us!

> > >  Click Here To Register And  < < <
Learn More About Our Themes & Pricing
1246 POST ROAD EAST (upstairs) - WESTPORT, CT


BirthdaysCampClassesRegistrationAbout Us

a d d - O N S 
- Additional Child After 10 Kiddos +$25 per
(20 Kiddo MAX - Please Ask About Additional)

- Party Slime Activity +$5 per
-Each guest will get a slime container of  our crystal clear glass slime they get to decorate with a scent, glitter + mix ins, color and charm! 

***For extra $1 - make it a goodie bag! We'll have a little bag with crinkle paper and a ring pop ready for you!

- Deluxe Goodie Bag +$10 per
​-Packed in a fun pencil bag

- Goodie Bag +$7.50 per
-Packed in a fun pencil bag

- Pop, Pop, Piñata - Per Balloon +$2 per
2-3 pieces of candy + a mini animal squishy

Goodie Bag $7.50 per goodie
Deluxe Goodie Bag $10 per goodie
Pop, Pop Pinata Balloon $2 per balloon
C l i c k    H e r e 
l o c a l - V E N D O R S  
est. 2011

ANGELINA'S TRATTORIA : (203) 227-0865 : Great for - Pizza, Chicken Finger Platters, Fries, Pasta Dishes & lots more! (We recommend pizza being cut into 'kids slices' to get 16 pieces vs 8)

PLANET PIZZA : (203) 454-4411

ALINA'S Cakes & Cookies : In Our Plaza (203) 292-3510 - westport
BONKERS : (475) 988-7367 - fairfield
CAKEBOX : (203) 557-0264 - westport
STEW LEONARDS : (203) 847-7214 - norwalk
STOP & SHOP : (203) 254-8484 - westport
SWEET CAKES : (203) 256-9253 - fairfield 

LEVENthal Cookie Cakes : https://leventhalbakery.com/
SUGARKRISP : Candy Sushi Platters : https://sugarkrisp.com/

Melissa : @yupipaint_ on Instagram

D  : 

A K E S :


Please Note :
These Dates / Times Are Updated Frequently But They May Have Changed
A I N T E R :


F E B R U A R Y : 

M A R C H :


4/13 : 1-2:30

A P R I L :